Saturday, April 7, 2012

i'm pretty sure that i'm pretty sure.

so more changes in plans.
of course.
i'm sure i'll change my mind again tomorrow.
there is a choice that i'm going to have to make and kinda soon.
ugh. the hardest decision i have to make over here is whether or not i'm going to the gym. or should i ride my bike or take the bus to chow.
these life altering decisions are so tough. i dooooon't wanna make 'em. waaaaaaa. i'm a whiny baby. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


on a more totally awesome note, i ate this today:
yes. that is an oreo baked inside a chocolate chip cookie.

it was amazingly delicious. i had a spiced chai latte to wash it down with too. uhhhh. heaven.

our new flight surgeon comes in today. the flight surgeons are usually army reservists and only do three month rotations. it makes us sad as major kue was pretty fun and awesome to work for. luckily we have major merrell still and he will be here until august. let's hope the transition is smooth.

i also finally got my promotion paper work! i'll hopefully be wearing my sergeant stripes by next weekend. of course this has made me reconsider my army career and has swayed my plans. raggle, raggle, raggle...
there are a lot of moving pieces. i probably won't make any moves until after my leave. after some time in the civilian world and away from the ease of army life.

i also love flying in helicopters. 
i had the chance to sit in the "hurricane seat" this week. we fly with the windows down when it gets warm. i couldn't stop laughing for about the first 10 minutes we were in the air. they warned me it was going to be windy, but holy crap! i'll let you see for yourself.

i had to face away from the window the whole ride back and hold my headset on, lest it be blown off! insanity!!!

getting back on my running routine tomorrow. shins are feeling pretty good. thinking about doing the 5k wednesday 'cause i didn't do it today. it's just so early...meh. derby learnings, ukulele jamming, kite flying. now i just need to get on skates regularly.

mushing my wub in about 7 weeks.
home for good in about 6 months.
time really does fly by!

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