Thursday, January 19, 2012

SCIENCE!!! and the arts and everything else.

i have neglected my scientific pursuits for too long. i remember when i came back from iraq and was finally back in school, using my brain academically for the first time in years. i was taking courses that came naturally. english, history, major british writers, philosophy, psychology. i took it upon myself, with the help of the future skulls (a small group of friends from michigan...or more like just me and my best friend, elise) to delve into subjects that i found to be mind-blowing.

quantum physics is by far the most confusing and intriguing and challenging subject that i have tried to tackle on my own. it all started with the double slit experiment.

i think my quest for understanding existential questions led to my somewhat philosophical interest in science. if we can understand what we're made of and how particles behave, maybe we can understand where we came from and where we are headed. our perception of this reality is constantly under scrutiny as is the concept of time.

(Cosmic Banditos )

i have started reading about it all over again. the eurpoean organization for nuclear research have been testing experimenting with neutrinos, a type of particle and found that they were traveling 17-millionth of a second faster than the speed of light! if they can really do that then Einstein's relativity theory could break down and time could flow in reverse! and effect could precede its cause! ahhhhhh!!! it could be happening right now!
they are trying to explain this away. to keep intact everything we think we know about the universe. it seems that the more we try to understand the building blocks of the universe, the more chaotic it behaves.

oh, chaos.

biology is amazing! evolution, dna, stem cells, holy shit! the mind-body connection is quickly becoming something i want to learn more about. everyone knows yoga can be good for you, but why?
i read an article about brain education in germany. the have a 90 min class where they focus on a combination of breathing, and relaxation techniques, yoga, stretching, tai chi, visualization and meditation. brain education has been proven to be effective in bringing noticeable improvement in children's learning ability and handling of stress-plus increased confidence and feelings of fellowship. how awesome is that.

another idea i have discussed but have yet to look into is that widespread cases of depression, anxiety, add/adhd, etc. that has crippled modern man. our dependence on technology and how quickly we have stopped using our bodies has created a psychological and physiological imbalance. we have evolved mentally  more quickly than our bodies can. our lack of movement, as in walking for hours per day after food sources or harvesting in fields and fresh air, causes us to not produce sufficient amounts of chemicals necessary to regulate our emotions and overall mental and physical health.
i had a book about this once and cannot for the life of me remember the title...

there is so much to learn. so much to know. i need to make time for it all!
let me also say i am on a vonnegut kick and how i love that man.
i have to download "On the Fluctuations Between Good and Evil in Simple Tales". it seems to be something i would enjoy as well. i have downloaded a ton of fairy tale and folklore books that they have for free on my kindle. i find the art of story telling to be a dying art and it makes me so sad. i want to explore it, preserve it, understand it. from the beginning of human communication, oral histories were the main method of preserving knowledge and developed an aura of magic about them. something that has been lost and forgotten.

i need to stop for now or i never will!

more research, reading and maybe i'll even take notes so i can retain some of this information. i need to exercise my memory back into shape.

but first! doodle time!!!

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