the rhode island army national guard (as well many other aspects of rhode island i hear...) is very much influenced by what is called "the good ol' boy" system. it is all about who you know that determines how far you'll go. without delving too deeply into it, as far as i know, i am overqualified for the position and significantly more qualified than the individual who it was given to.
this should have been the end of it. the possible diversion from my path westward was over, but nothing is ever that simple is it?
one of the senior NCO's here who helped me with my packet for the job wants me to wait, be patient and see about putting in for an AGR job that may be available in aviation when we get back. i keep yelling at him to stop believing in me and my potential as a leader, soldier, all that verbiage that they like to use to make favorable recommendations.
i am okay i think with either choice. there are pros and cons to each, as there are with every decision you can make in life. odds are i'll probably end up choosing something complete different so why worry about it now...
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there's more important things. like practicing my ukulele! |
what else, what else...
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omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. -dies.- |
i seriously almost died when i saw this. i couldn't believe that they not only saw my blog but they linked it on their paaaaaage?! that poster is now framed and hanging in my office. everyone that comes in sees it and i am educating the masses on modern roller derby. i cannot wait to get back on skates full-time. raaaaaaawrrr!!!
i got my nike plus kit in and it is awesome! it tracks my steps, distance, pace, etc. and if nothing else motivates me to go running. i have increased from two to three miles but wanted to start working on increasing my overall pace. i started doing 60/120's (sprint for 60 seconds and then walk briskly to recover your breath for 120 seconds, repeat.) for about a mile as well. then i really pushed it and took out the average pace run all together and would just sprint for as long as i could, recover and do it again. then, shin splints. i haaaaate shin splints. i used to get them at the beginning of soccer season every year. they'll eventually go away. i got arch supports for my shoes too, as i am flat footed and am hoping that will help some. i'm taking tonight and tomorrow off of running too. then it is back to business.
i have been doing a lot of remembering still and it has been awesome!!!!!!
there's this:
i LOVED this show
and this:
there are just too many! i am still finding more and remembering even more shows. oh're just not the same anymore.
i'm just really into dinosaurs right now too. i don't know what triggered it. maybe finally making my appointment for my t-rex tattoo. i have always loved dinosaurs. like a lot. like a lot, a lot. i used to keep count of how many times i watched Jurassic park because i loved it so much. i think i got somewhere around 60-something once i had the vhs. and while i do love velociraptor, there is no dinosaur who could ever replace the t-rex as my all time favorite. i don't even like watching whichever horrible sequel to Jurassic park it was that spinosaurus kills the t-rex.
dinosaurs....they're just so amazing.
thank you rhoda for posting this!
well i think it's movie time.
i have tomorrow off and am planning on sleeping in. then roller skating. then maybe me and lt salmon will go fly our kites!
more ukulele lessons tomorrow too.
1 month and 1 week no smoking. i even had an espresso on my 1 month to celebrate because i gave up coffee as well. it's a trigger for me for smoking. there is no more delicious combo than a coffee and a cigarette.
dooobeee dooobeee doooooo.
also, i love every single song by the white stripes and pretty much everything jack white has done.